Cleaning Dishwasher with Hydrogen Peroxide

Cleaning Dishwasher With Hydrogen Peroxide

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Cleaning Dishwasher with Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a multi-purpose substance that’s often overlooked in the realm of dish washing. Though it’s most commonly known for its medical and beauty applications, it’s potent as a dish washing aid can’t be understated. It’s time to dive into the benefits of using hydrogen peroxide for washing dishes. Firstly, hydrogen peroxide’s cleaning capabilities are impressive. When you wash your dishes with this substance, you’re not just getting them clean – you’re purifying, too. This element makes hydrogen peroxide a key ingredient in keeping your dishes, and in turn, your health, spotless.

Hydrogen peroxide is also cost-effective and readily available, making it an excellent option for anyone on a budget. This all-purpose cleaner does not just stop at dishes. It’s great for washing fruits and vegetables too, effectively killing any surface bacteria. The catch? Always remember to rinse with water after. Don’t forget that hydrogen peroxide is still a strong oxidizer and thus should be used with caution. However, under the right conditions and used properly, the benefits of using this substance in your washing routine can be endless.

Understanding Common Dishwasher Problems and How to Troubleshoot Them

If you’re like most people, your dishwasher is an indispensable part of your daily routine. But like any household appliance, the dishwasher can sometimes throw a wrench in your plans with unexpected problems. Understanding common dishwasher issues, and more importantly how to troubleshoot them, can save you a lot of time, frustration and potentially costly repairs. However, a common misconception is that a dishwasher is a self-cleaning appliance. It’s not. Dishwashers need regular cleaning or performance can be impaired.

service male tech looking at washing machine


The first sign of trouble may be dishes that aren’t as clean as they should be. Check the dishwasher’s filter – a dirty filter can affect the dishwasher’s cleaning performance. The filter is usually located at the bottom of the dishwasher. Remove it and clean it thoroughly. You’ll be surprised at how much difference a clean filter can make in your dishwasher’s operation.

Drain Hose

Another common problem with dishwashers is a dishwasher that doesn’t drain properly or at all. In this situation, always look at the dishwasher’s drain hose for clogs. A clogged hose can cause the dishwasher to not drain, leaving you with a dishwasher full of dirty water. If you find a clog, clean it out and see if the dishwasher drains properly then.

Foul Odor

Dishwasher odors are a common issue too, but this is a problem that can be simply resolved by running a dishwasher cleaning cycle with a dishwasher-safe cleaner. This procedure can also help to clean out any potential blockages in the dishwasher’s spray arms and filter, leading to better cleaning performance overall. If this doesn’t resolve the odor, it could be a sign of a more serious internal problem with your dishwasher and you should call a professional for advice.


If you notice that your dishes aren’t drying properly in your dishwasher, it could be due to a faulty heating element. The heating element in a dishwasher is what heats the water for washing dishes and dries the dishes after the wash cycle is complete. If your dishes aren’t coming out of the dishwasher dry, this could be the problem. A professional can test the heating element and replace it if necessary.

Rust or Mineral Buildup

Another simple preventative measure is running a cleaning cycle with a specialty dishwasher cleaner. These cleaners are designed to break down greasy residue and limescale that can build up in a dishwasher over time. Using these cleaners regularly can keep your dishwasher running smoothly and your dishes sparkling clean.

How to Clean Your Dishwasher with Hydrogen Peroxide?

A sparkling clean dishwasher ensures that your dishes come out gleaming and odor-free after each wash. The care of your dishwasher begins from the inside, so it’s paramount to keep it neat. Hydrogen peroxide, a versatile and eco-friendly household staple, can be a powerful ally in achieving this goal.

Step-by-Step Walkthrough

  1. You’ll need a bottle of hydrogen peroxide (3% concentration is common), a dishwasher-safe container, a small cup or bowl, and a clean cloth or sponge.
  2. Empty the Dishwasher: Ensure the dishwasher is completely empty of dishes and utensils. Remove any debris or food particles from the dishwasher’s interior.
  3. Prepare the Hydrogen Peroxide: Fill a dishwasher-safe container or a small cup with about 1/2 to 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Place the Container with Hydrogen Peroxide: If you’re using baking soda, place the container with hydrogen peroxide on the top rack. If you’re not using baking soda, you can simply pour the hydrogen peroxide into the detergent compartment.
  5. Run a Hot-Water Cycle: Set your dishwasher to run a hot-water cycle. Make sure it’s empty except for the container with hydrogen peroxide. This will allow the hydrogen peroxide to mix with hot water and thoroughly clean the dishwasher’s interior.
  6. Wipe and Inspect: After the cycle is complete, carefully remove the container with hydrogen peroxide and any baking soda residue if used. Wipe down the interior of the dishwasher with a clean cloth or sponge to remove any remaining residue or stains.
  7. Enjoy a Clean Dishwasher: Your dishwasher is now clean and ready for use. The hydrogen peroxide will have helped remove stains, sanitize the interior, and leave your dishwasher fresh and ready to tackle your next load of dishes.

To take your dishwasher cleaning regimen to the next level, consider combining hydrogen peroxide with baking soda.

  1. Follow Steps 1 to 3: Begin by following the first three steps mentioned in the “How to Clean Your Dishwasher with Hydrogen Peroxide” section to prepare your dishwasher and the hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Spread Baking Soda: Sprinkle a layer of baking soda on the bottom of the dishwasher’s interior.
  3. Combine Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide: After adding the baking soda, carefully pour the prepared hydrogen peroxide into the detergent compartment.
  4. Run a Hot-Water Cycle: Run an empty, hot-water cycle in your dishwasher. This combination of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide will work together to break down stains, remove odors, and cleans the dishwasher.
  5. Wipe and Inspect: After the cycle is complete, follow step 7 from the previous section to wipe down the interior and inspect the dishwasher.

Alternative Method

How to Clean Dishes With Hydrogen Peroxide?

For an alternative approach, you can also use vinegar to clean your dishwasher. Vinegar is a natural cleaner and deodorizer, making it an excellent choice for maintaining your dishwasher’s hygiene. Just remember to never mix your peroxide cleaner with vinegar in the same cup. This should be adequately stressed. Care must be taken to combine these ingredients separately, else, an undesired reaction might occur.

Step-by-Step Walkthrough

  1. For this method, you’ll need white vinegar, a dishwasher-safe container, and a clean cloth or sponge.
  2. Empty the Dishwasher: Ensure the dishwasher is empty of dishes and utensils.
  3. Prepare the Vinegar: Fill a dishwasher-safe container with about 1-2 cups of white vinegar.
  4. Place the Container with Vinegar: Place the container filled with vinegar on the top rack of the empty dishwasher.
  5. Run a Hot-Water Cycle: Run a hot-water cycle in the dishwasher. The vinegar will help dissolve mineral deposits, remove limescale, and clean the machine.
  6. Wipe and Inspect: After the cycle is complete, remove the container with vinegar and follow step 7 from the first section to wipe down the interior and inspect the dishwasher.

Using Hydrogen Peroxide to Clean Your Dishwasher Racks

Materials Needed

3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 32oz Bottle

Step-by-Step Walkthrough

  1. Remove Racks: Take out the dishwasher racks.
  2. Apply Hydrogen Peroxide: Fill a spray bottle with hydrogen peroxide and spray it generously onto the racks. Let it sit for a few minutes.
  3. Scrub with Soapy Water: Add a few drops of dish soap to warm water and soak the scrub brush. Thoroughly scrub the racks to remove any remaining dirt or grime.
  4. Rinse Thoroughly: Rinse the racks multiple times under running water to remove all soap and hydrogen peroxide residue. Rinse at least four times to ensure complete removal.


  • Always wear gloves when using hydrogen peroxide and ensure your kitchen is well ventilated.
  • Never mix hydrogen peroxide with bleach, as this can cause harmful reactions.

Troubleshooting Dishwasher Issues:

If your dishwasher still isn’t working properly after cleaning, the issue could be a clogged filter or jammed spray arm. Refer to the previous section “Troubleshooting Dishwasher Cleaning Issues at Home” for more details.


To properly clean dishwashers, all you need is hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, and a scrub brush. Remember to rinse multiple times after washing to remove any residue and leave your dishes spotlessly clean and germ-free.

Using Hydrogen Peroxide with Different Cookware

Hydrogen peroxide can effectively clean and restore the shine of various kitchenware, including cast iron, stainless steel, china, and aluminum. For each type of cookware, follow specific steps to achieve the best results. Hydrogen peroxide’s mild oxidizing properties make it safe for use on these materials without damaging their protective layers or delicate surfaces.

Cast Iron

Revitalize your cast iron cookware with the gentle power of hydrogen peroxide. This mild yet effective cleaning agent can safely remove stubborn stains, burnt-on food, and rust without compromising the integrity of your cast iron. To effectively clean your cast iron cookware, follow these simple steps:

  1. Create a Hydrogen Peroxide Solution: Dilute hydrogen peroxide with an equal amount of water in a spray bottle or shallow container.
  2. Apply the Solution: Generously spray or pour the diluted hydrogen peroxide solution onto the affected areas of the cast iron cookware.
  3. Soak and Scrub: Allow the solution to soak for approximately 15-30 minutes, depending on the severity of the stains or rust. Use a non-abrasive sponge or brush to gently scrub the areas that have been soaking.
  4. Rinse and Dry Thoroughly: Rinse the cast iron cookware thoroughly with warm water and pat it dry with a clean cloth.

Hydrogen peroxide is safe to use on cast iron cookware because it is a mild oxidizing agent that does not react with the iron itself. Instead, it breaks down organic matter, such as food residues and stains, making them easier to remove. Unlike harsh chemicals or abrasives, hydrogen peroxide will not damage the seasoning layer of your cast iron cookware, preserving its protective qualities and non-stick properties.

Stainless Steel

Stainless steel, the epitome of modern kitchenware, is renowned for its durability and sleek appearance. However, over time, it can succumb to the effects of food residues, water stains, and general wear and tear, leaving it looking dull and lackluster. Fortunately, hydrogen peroxide, a readily available and versatile cleaning agent, can effectively restore the shine and brilliance of your stainless steel cookware.

To tackle stubborn stains and blemishes on your stainless steel, follow these simple steps:

  1. Prepare the Hydrogen Peroxide Solution: Mix equal parts 3% hydrogen peroxide with water in a spray bottle or shallow container.
  2. Wipe and Buff: Using a clean microfiber cloth, gently wipe the areas where the solution has been applied. For stubborn stains, you may need to use a non-abrasive sponge or scrub brush.
  3. Apply the Solution: Generously spray or pour the diluted hydrogen peroxide solution onto the affected areas of the stainless steel cookware.
  4. Rinse and Dry Thoroughly: Rinse the stainless steel cookware thoroughly with warm water and pat it dry with a clean cloth.

Hydrogen peroxide is safe to use on stainless steel because it is a mild oxidizing agent that does not react with the metal itself. Instead, it breaks down organic matter, such as food residues and water spots, making them easier to remove. Unlike harsh chemicals or abrasives, hydrogen peroxide will not damage the protective layer of your stainless steel cookware, preserving its shine and durability.

frying pans on white background


China, with its intricate designs and delicate porcelain, adds a touch of elegance to any dining experience. However, over time, these treasured pieces can become susceptible to discoloration, tea stains, and general wear and tear. Hydrogen peroxide, a gentle yet effective cleaning agent, can help restore the pristine beauty of your china dishes without compromising their delicate nature.

  1. Prepare the Hydrogen Peroxide Solution: Dilute 3% hydrogen peroxide with an equal amount of water in a shallow container.
  2. Soak the Dishes: Submerge your china dishes in the diluted hydrogen peroxide solution for approximately 10-15 minutes.
  3. Rinse and Dry Thoroughly: Gently rinse the dishes with warm water to remove any traces of the solution. Use a soft cloth to pat them dry and prevent scratches.

Hydrogen peroxide is safe to use on china dishes because it is a mild oxidizing agent that does not react with the porcelain itself. Instead, it gently removes stains and discoloration without causing damage to the delicate glaze or patterns. Unlike harsh chemicals or abrasives, hydrogen peroxide will preserve the integrity and beauty of your china dishes, ensuring they remain a cherished part of your dining experience.


Aluminum cookware, with its lightweight properties and excellent heat conductivity, has long been a staple in kitchens worldwide. However, over time, it can develop stains, discoloration, and even stubborn food residues that can detract from its appearance and performance. Fortunately, hydrogen peroxide, a common household staple with remarkable cleaning properties, can effectively restore the shine and luster of your aluminum cookware without harming its delicate surface.

  1. Prepare the Hydrogen Peroxide Solution: Dilute 3% hydrogen peroxide with an equal amount of water in a shallow container.
  2. Apply the Solution: Generously apply the diluted hydrogen peroxide solution to the affected areas of the aluminum cookware using a clean cloth or sponge.
  3. Soak and Scrub: Allow the solution to soak for approximately 15-20 minutes, depending on the severity of the stains. For stubborn residues, use a non-abrasive sponge or brush to gently scrub the affected areas.
  4. Rinse and Dry Thoroughly: Rinse the aluminum cookware thoroughly with warm water to remove any traces of the solution. Pat it dry with a soft cloth to prevent water spots.
3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Gallon

Hydrogen peroxide is safe to use on aluminum cookware because it is a mild oxidizing agent that reacts with the aluminum to form a protective layer of aluminum oxide. This layer helps prevent further oxidation and discoloration, making it ideal for cleaning and restoring the shine of your aluminum cookware. Unlike harsh chemicals or abrasives, hydrogen peroxide will not damage the aluminum surface, ensuring your cookware remains safe for food preparation.

The Takeaway

Cleaning your dishwasher and dishes with hydrogen peroxide is a great way to keep it fresh, clean, and free of harmful bacteria. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that your dishwasher is operating at its best and providing you with clean and sparkling dishes.

However, it’s important to remember that hydrogen peroxide is a strong chemical and should be used with caution. Always wear gloves and follow the instructions on the bottle carefully to avoid any accidents or injuries.

While hydrogen peroxide is a powerful cleaner, it may not be effective for all dishwasher issues. If you’re experiencing persistent problems with your dishwasher, such as leaks or strange noises, it may be best to consult a professional for repair or replacement.

Regular cleaning and maintenance of your dishwasher is essential for its longevity and optimal performance. By incorporating hydrogen peroxide into your cleaning routine, you can achieve a deep clean and extend the life of your dishwasher.

So, order your set today!

Cleaning Dishwasher With Hydrogen Peroxide
Picture of Bulk Peroxide
Bulk Peroxide
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