How to Clean Marble Stains With Hydrogen Peroxide?

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Looking around the house, we always find something that reminds us of a time we were too careless or clumsy. And what better reminder than the everlasting stains present on marble tiles.

Though we cannot wash away the mistakes of the past, marble stains are something that you can take care of in the present. And with practical tools, you can do that without much effort and money.

Learn what those are and how to perform the procedure yourself by reading this article!

Marble Stains – The Nightmare

When it comes to household stains, marble stains are a close second in being the most dreadful to remove (right after carpet stains). Marble tiles are the most common type of flooring we have at our homes. And they represent a newer generation of household beauty and grace.

The thing with marbles is that they are made from glass, clay, and steel. All of the sturdy materials give marbles a distinct shape with the apparent fragility from the glass side of the family. They are then etched and painted in various colors, giving them a characteristic look.

However, they are exposed to all kinds of dyes and dirt and may develop stains through time. Now, don’t get us wrong here, but old marble stains are so hard to remove that people let them be and accept them as a part of the marble itself. But not anymore!

The Cleaning Properties of Hydrogen Peroxide

Given their fragile nature, marbles can be challenging to clean. While some cleaners can remove stubborn marble stains, others are ineffective. You cannot use highly corrosive chemicals on them with the risk of discoloration or brittleness of the surface. So what’s the solution?

What other solution is there but the nontoxic, highly effective cleaning properties of hydrogen peroxide? This chemical is known by many, but only a few know its full potential. Other than its most famous task of disinfecting, hydrogen peroxide is a bleaching and cleaning agent as well. Because of its strong oxidative properties, hydrogen peroxide reacts and changes the composition of colored dyes, therefore working as a bleacher.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda

Do you know what’s better than a strong oxidizing agent that removes stains? A known bleaching agent to increase its effect.

Hydrogen peroxide is a potent cleaning agent in itself. However, when it is combined with baking soda, a reaction occurs. The products liberated from this chemical reaction are strong enough to clean pretty much everything.

Historically, people have been using hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to clean teeth. The powdered form of baking soda is easier to dip into the grottos present between two teeth for a deeper clean.

A similar concept can be applied to marble flooring and tiles. By mixing hydrogen peroxide with baking soda and applying it over the floor, you can remove all types of wine, pet, or ink stains. The procedure is efficient and makes the tiles as good as new!

Removing Marble Stains With Hydrogen Peroxide

Now that we have made ourselves aware of the chemical process of hydrogen peroxide and the effect of baking soda on it, we can get into how we can use these chemicals in real-time and benefit from it!

What You Need

The Procedure

We have divided our procedure into two parts: one is based on everyday cleaning, while the other one is focused more on the small, stubborn stains present over a specific site on the tile.

For everyday cleaning you have to:

  • Take a bucket and fill it with water
  • Now pour down a cup of hydrogen peroxide into it and give it a stir
  • Dip a towel into this solution and wipe the marble surface
  • Repeat the procedure until the surface is thoroughly covered with this solution

Adding hydrogen peroxide to everyday cleaning processes not only ensures a better clean than just water but also removes all types of bacteria and germs from the surface.

Now for stains that are very stubborn and cling to the marble surface, you have to:

  • Make a paste by mixing two parts baking soda and one part hydrogen peroxide
  • Take a rough toothbrush and give this a good mix
  • Now apply this paste directly onto the affected site (you can also use it to clean grout lines present between two tiles)
  • Leave it for a few minutes
  • Scrub it again thoroughly with a toothbrush
  • Once done, rinse your tile using a soaked towel
  • Make sure to get all of the powdered baking soda, as it can leave a white trail

And that it! You will be amazed at how easily hydrogen peroxide and baking soda can clean off all kinds of stains.

Hydrogen Peroxide vs Other Cleaning Agents

Now that we have discussed how you can use hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to remove stains from marble surfaces, we can begin addressing the doubts people generally have about using hydrogen peroxide and why other disinfecting agents cannot be used.

The first and foremost reason why hydrogen peroxide is recommended for most household procedures is the nontoxic nature of this chemical. When compared to other disinfecting agents like bleach and ammonia, hydrogen peroxide liberates water and oxygen.

Bleach is known to emit chlorine which can be very harmful in its taken inside the body. Moreover, if you have children at home, hydrogen peroxide is the best way to go due to its mild nature.

We also get the question of whether you can use vinegar or lemon to clean marble surfaces or not. Remember when we said marbles are composed of various compounds and can be fragile? Well, the acidic nature of vinegar is corrosive to the marble surface and may lead to brittleness.

So, hydrogen peroxide is the best way to go if you want to have an effective clean with satisfactory results.

What’s The Ideal Concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide for Cleaning Marble Stains

People generally get confused over what concentration of hydrogen peroxide to pick. Considering the peroxide ranges from 1% up to 90%, it can be baffling to pick the best suited for the job.

However, with marble tiles (and almost all of the other household appliances), hydrogen peroxide that you should use has to be mild. Because not only is the chemical being used in a household setting, but it can damage/bleach the applied surface.

Your safe bet is to go for 3% hydrogen peroxide concentration, as it is widely available, cheap, and the most effective.

Safety Precautions You Must Take!

So far, we have completely gone over what exactly hydrogen peroxide is, its reaction with baking soda, and how you can use both of them together to remove all types of stains from marble surfaces. Now, we can begin with some safety precautions that you have to follow while performing the procedure.

The great thing about hydrogen peroxide is that it has minimal side effects and can even treat wounds. But like with every chemical there is, carelessness can lead to some sort of damage.

The best advice we give to our users is to watch out for the concentration of hydrogen peroxide they use and for how long they allow it to contact their skin. Moreover, as you work with hydrogen peroxide combined with baking soda, you must take extra precautions.

Make sure to equip yourself with gloves, at least. To avoid the exposure of chemicals to the eyes, nose, and mouth, you can also use a face mask and goggles. Hydrogen peroxide releases fumes after combining with baking soda, which can irritate some people, so make sure to keep your distance from the reaction site.

One last thing we highly suggest is to make fresh batches of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda paste. It goes without saying that hydrogen peroxide is a volatile chemical and doesn’t last long in an open environment. However, when combined with baking soda, the reactivity of this chemical increases even more so, making it useless within a few hours!

The Takeaway

Hydrogen peroxide is present in all households in the form of a disinfecting wash in the first aid toolbox. The utility of hydrogen peroxide goes beyond the uses hinted in this box. And in times of crisis, hydrogen peroxide is always present to help.

Marble stains are notorious for being difficult to remove. And instead of wasting hours scraping away the stain manually or using a chemical that worsens it, it is better to know what products you have available and how you can make the most use of them.

Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda are present almost always in our homes. And with that, you can make an effective paste to clean off stains from the marble flooring.

So be wise, and order your set of hydrogen peroxide bottles today!

Picture of Faizan Khan
Faizan Khan
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