Does Hydrogen Peroxide Kill Springtails?

Does Hydrogen Peroxide Kill Springtails?

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Springtails are occasional pests, which are more active during the warmer months. You can identify the dark-colored insects from their usually slender, elongated bodies. They are quite small, measuring barely 1/8th of an inch.

According to a study published in 2020, springtails are a key part of biodiversity. Despite not having long legs, they can jump as high as 10 feet using a forked tail-like structure attached under their abdomens. This is where springtails get their name.

The arthropods are useful to our planet as they persistently work daily to improve soil health. Moreover, they aid other predating insects, such as spiders, beetles, and ants, in keeping our planet clean by removing organic waste.

They are of high importance in the nutrient cycle as they decompose decaying waste when they eat and excrete it. This ultimately results in improving the soil structure and health.

What Are Springtails?

Also known as snow fleas, these small insects are like tiny hexapods. They can make use of a protein present in their bodies which allows them to survive through harsh cold months in hibernation.

Even though they are not being able to fly or jump much, they are still a nuisance. You will find them more commonly in areas of high moisture and organic debris, such as damp soil, leaf molds, or decaying logs. Due to their miniature size, they are not easily visible.

When observing the top layer of fresh snow, springtails resemble somewhat pepper flakes or ashes.

Most people do not think that springtail control is a priority as they do not pose any serious threats or structural damage in their homes. They will not hurt or harm you or your pets as they do not bite or transmit any diseases.

There are multiple species of springtails worldwide with the common habitat of damp locations. They undergo several immature stages during their life cycle. To keep them out of your home, you will need to dehumidify your home and dispose of organic material properly.

Why Do You Need to Kill Springtails?

These moisture-loving creatures are often found in dense swarms, which cause damage to plants. They will chew on plant roots located in the soil, which can inhibit plant hardiness. They ruin the aesthetic factor of your gardens and even make swimming pools unappealing.

Decrease Plant Hardiness

In gardening terms, the Royal Horticultural Society has referred to hardiness as the rating for a plant’s capability to withstand cold winter months.

If a plant has reduced hardiness, it is not able to survive adverse weather or environmental conditions. You might notice decreased plant growth or a color change at this point.

Generally, springtails are considered to be an advantage to the natural ecosystem. This is because they speed up the decaying process and work to return nutrients back into the soil. Nevertheless, if you notice large clusters of springtails or decreased growth of your plants, you may want to investigate your soil.

Chew on Plant Roots

Most gardeners do not care for springtails as they are generally harmless. They are simply annoying pests when they are found in abundant numbers. The commonplace is in overwatered, acidic, potted houseplants.

A lot of the springtail species have been found to damage established plants in gardens. They do this by chewing on the roots and stems of young plants and healthy seedlings. The seedlings may eventually wilt off and even die. When examining for chewed roots, you will see damage occurring as minute, rounded pits.

Make the Soil Ugly and Unappealing

Even though these pests do not cause much damage, they are quite a nuisance that can drastically reduce the aesthetic factor of your garden. The soil ends up looking quite ugly and unappealing.

These so-called harmless scavengers will feed mainly on decaying organic matter, leaving the soil looking messed up. The best way to deal with infested pots is to let the soil dry out completely. You can opt for particular soil types to aid in repelling springtails.

If the problem aggravates, you can treat your soil with an organic, non-toxic chemical to tackle the infestation.

Does Hydrogen Peroxide Kill Springtails?

Yes, you can use the 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to kill the springtails in their larvae stage. The natural chemical works as an anti-fungal disinfectant to keep these insects at bay. Furthermore, it will improve your garden quality as it is a natural oxidizing agent.

The miniature insects flutter around your plants in every stage of their life cycle, but their larvae cause the maximum damage as they feed on the organic matter in the soil. This includes the plant roots.

Using Hydrogen Peroxide to Kill Springtails

You will find this compound easily available in any supermarket near your place. It will come in an opaque or dark air-tight container to prevent decomposition.

Many commercial agricultural products have hydrogen peroxide as a star ingredient in the actives list. This is because the chemical is of high benefit to the gardening world.

#1 Hydrogen Peroxide to Kill Springtails From Soil

Many amateur and expert gardeners have reported that treating the soil with hydrogen peroxide on a regular basis keeps pests at bay. You can use this in combination with hot or cold water for better results.

However, you need to use this method with caution, as some plants may be sensitive. Therefore, it is always advised to conduct a test patch on a small area first.

A better practice is to have a good gardening care system. You can keep your hydroponic system clean, sterilize gardening equipment and rotate your plants every now and then.

What You Need

How to Use

Start off by putting on your protective equipment, such as safety goggles, rubber gloves, and masks. Grab your watering can and splash in one part of hydrogen peroxide. Gently stir in four parts of water.

Slowly pour this solution onto the affected potting soil until it is soaked. You can regularly repeat this process with every watering session. The goal is to ensure that the eggs and larvae are completely eliminated with no signs of springtails.

The best effective control is by keeping your soil as dry and clean as possible. This will prevent springtails from infesting your plants in the first place.

#2 Hydrogen Peroxide to Kill Springtails on the Pavement

As discussed earlier, springtails thrive in conditions with moist decaying matter. They are unlikely to survive in dry environments. Therefore, you need to ensure to regularly check and address any sources of moisture lurking around your pavement.

Furthermore, you can conjure up a solution of hydrogen peroxide to spray over the pavement every now and then in case you come across a springtail problem. Since the pavements are often used by humans, you should opt for a natural pesticide so that it does not leave any toxic byproducts.

What You Need

How to Use

After putting on your protective equipment, mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water in your spray bottle and mix the solution well. After ensuring that pets and children are far, you can generously spray all over your pavement, covering all affected and likely areas infested by springtails.

After the springtails die, simply use a power washer to sweep away the debris. You can repeat this process a few times each week until the insects are completely eradicated. For further maintenance, keep your pavement dry and clean.

Alternate Methods to Kill Springtails

Besides hydrogen peroxide, there are other various ways through which one can eradicate the springtails.

Among the most effective methods besides hydrogen peroxide are pesticides, baking soda, and vinegar. Baking soda and vinegar can be used as a mixture faster and with better results.

Let’s take a deeper look at the methods at hand.

#1 Using Pesticides to Kill Springtails

Pesticides refer to a substance that helps kill or destroy insects and other distinguishing organisms that stunt the growth of plants or are dangerous for animals. Pesticides are such creatures that will not be eradicated on the first try.

You’ll have to continue the routine of spraying these annoying insects until they don’t dare to surface again. When it comes to the killing of springtails, the following things are needed.

What You Need

  • A pesticide of your own choice
  • Spray bottle
  • Gloves
  • An air freshener
  • A mask to steer clear of the chemicals that would be present in the air.

How to Use

First and foremost, the most crucial step is to select a pesticide that is going to be effective in destroying springtails. The market is filled with various brands of pesticides but not every one of them is good or rather safe. Therefore, be careful when it comes to choosing a pesticide.

Once a pesticide has been bought, the next work of order is to grab a spray bottle. This step will be necessary if the pesticide still needs to come in a bottle of spray.

Before starting the spraying process, it’s important to wear gloves and a mask to steer clear of any chemicals that will be hanging around in the air.

After doing all of this, start the spraying process and make sure once the work is done, windows are opened, and you have sprayed a little air freshener.


  • The pesticides in your cabinet might not be the most sustainable option out there. Pesticides are known to be extremely dangerous for the environment as they can contaminate the area they’re being sprayed on.
  • Pesticides are known for killing two birds with one stone. However, in this process, the second bird will be the beneficial insects or organisms that bring no harm with them and are necessary to preserve a hospitable environment.
  • Even though one can wear all sorts of protective gear, when it comes to pesticides, you can never be too safe. If one even accidentally comes into contact with the pesticide, they’re damaging their nervous system and reproductive system.

#2 Using Baking Soda and Vinegar to Kill Springtails

Baking soda and vinegar are eco-friendly and a rather swift way of getting rid of springtails. This mixture is a non-toxic, natural solution for killing a great number of harmful insects.

Some even sprinkle some sugar on top to attract springtails. The way this combination works is that it contains sodium hydrogen carbonate. When this comes into contact with the body of a springtail, it is immediately destroyed.

What You Need

  • A spoon of baking soda (this will depend upon the number of springtails)
  • A spoonful of vinegar
  • Gloves

How to Use

Start the process by combining baking soda and vinegar. These both should equal the quantity of two tablespoons. This amount can vary with the number of springtails.

After the mixture has been prepared, cover your hands with gloves to keep them clean and start sprinkling the mixture.

If the mixture is watery, you can even spray it, but sprinkling is a better option.

After some time, you’ll see the springtails appearing. After they are dead, clean the area with a broom or another suitable thing.

You can even use water to clean off any residue of the mixture that might have been left behind.


  • When talking about the limitations of baking soda and vinegar, on top of the list we have the fact that this might not even work. It’s all about luck, this solution might not work, but it might too. You never know.
  • It’s sometimes extremely difficult to clean off the residue that is left behind even after you have cleaned it off. Furthermore, it will also leave off a white coloration on whichever surface you have surfaced, with a high chance of your tile being ruined forever.
  • The mixture of vinegar and baking soda has an extremely bad pungent smell that can take days before it leaves your living area/ room where you sprinkled the solution.

Why Are Springtails Hard to Kill?

It might come as a shock to you, but springtails are not harmful to humans. But that doesn’t mean they’re nice in any way or form. They can cause lots of nuisances in your everyday life. They resemble fleas a lot and can actively jump from one place to another.

They Thrive on Literally Anything

These creatures are made for the rough life and can survive by feeding on everything and anything. They will not feed on humans or pets.

But besides that, each and everything can be their feed. Their favorite things include decaying matter and leaves and roots of plants; healthy or drying doesn’t matter.

Springtails also require water. It doesn’t have to be all liquid, as it can also survive on the good old moisture that will be gathering around the nook and corners of your house. Fungi, mold, bacteria, and algae are some of the areas where you will find springtails.

Crushing Them is Not an Option

Springtails come with a side-to-side flattened structure that makes it too difficult to kill them with your foot or other crushing material.

They can come in the following colors that can include brown, grey, black, white, iridescent, or a simple bright color. Furthermore, they have an elongated shape or an oval one. Another reason why they can’t be crushed besides their flattened structure is the fact that they have a furcula, a clasp-like structure called a tenaculum. It’s as difficult to crush a stream of springtail as it is to kill a single one.

Their Exoskeleton is Super Strong

Exoskeleton refers to the jointed or hinged hard tissues of an animal. The reason why these creatures can’t be destroyed easily is due to their powerful exoskeleton that’s designed in a way that allows them to survive in various compromising conditions like the different cracks within your house and whatnot.

All these creatures do is molt and will be vulnerable during that process. Besides that, they’re unshakeable in front of any force, whether that be a stomping instrument or something powerful.

Why Is Hydrogen Peroxide An Effective Springtail Remover?

Hydrogen peroxide has built a name for being an effective chemical to kill insects and other pests. The compound is able to perform the task with such efficacy due to its unparalleled oxidizing and bleaching properties.

Peroxide is among the best oxidizing agents known to man. It dissolves the exoskeleton of springtails, making them vulnerable and harmless. It also doesn’t damage the soil and plants in the process, as peroxide’s byproducts are plain old water and oxygen that benefit the soil more than hurt it!

The Takeaway

Springtails are one of those pests that don’t harm you, but just their mere presence is unappealing and annoying. The idea of having small critters that can jump here and there is just not pleasant. Besides, removing them is a real challenge, as you have learned.

However, using peroxide will allow you to get rid of these creatures in the most effective way possible with minimal collateral damage.

So, order your set today!

Picture of Faizan Khan
Faizan Khan
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