How to Use Hydrogen Peroxide for Cleaning

Hydrogen peroxide can take care of multiple cleaning solutions efficiently and quickly. Suppose you want a multi-purpose cleaner that can do an effective job but is also budget-friendly. In that case, hydrogen peroxide can be the best solution for you.

What is hydrogen peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide has the same chemical structure as water, only that it has an extra oxygen atom. The extra oxygen atom causes it to break down quickly in a harmless way.

Hydrogen peroxide is known for its antiviral and antibacterial functions, and it can also act as a potent bleach. It is no wonder it is an excellent tool for disinfecting and cleaning.

Why use hydrogen peroxide for cleaning?

Saves money

A bottle of hydrogen peroxide is incredibly cheap. The cost is a significant step down compared to what you would usually pay for a cleaner. You can get inexpensive hydrogen peroxide products in grocery stores and pharmacies.


The best advantage that you can get when cleaning with hydrogen peroxide is that you do not get exposed to harsh and toxic chemicals – even if you use it long term.


The antifungal properties of hydrogen peroxide make it an excellent treatment for various fungal infection such as athlete’s foot. It is also an effective cleaner to ensure that the fungus will not thrive and infect you again.

Kills mildew and mold

When dealing with mold and mildew, hydrogen peroxide is actually more effective than chlorine bleach because of its oxidizing nature.


Hydrogen peroxide can be used to disinfect and clean a variety of things and surfaces. Still, it can be used for other purposes as well. It can be used as a bleaching alternative, a vegetable and fruit soak to make them last longer, and many more.

Is hydrogen peroxide effective?

Hydrogen peroxide is very useful as long as you use it correctly. The best form of hydrogen peroxide for cleaning is products with a 3% to 6% hydrogen peroxide solution.

You have to remember that hydrogen peroxide will need time to kill germs and bacteria. Hence, it is not a spray and wipe solution if you are using it for cleaning and disinfecting. You have to leave it on the surface for a few minutes, allow bubbles to subside if any, and wipe it off with a soft cloth.

Hydrogen peroxide products can come in spray bottles. You can also recycle a spray bottle top, attach it to your hydrogen peroxide bottle or transfer it to a spray bottle.

Hydrogen peroxide cleaning solutions

Toilet bowl

To clean and disinfect your toilet with hydrogen peroxide, all you have to do is pour half a cup into the toilet bowl. Let the hydrogen peroxide sit in there for about 20 minutes. When you come back later, then scrub the toilet clean. You will notice that it will look whiter and brighter after.

Cutting board

One of the first things you should clean and disinfect often is your cutting board. Every time you use it to prepare a meal, some remnants could still be left on the surface, especially if it is an old one that has scrapes and cuts already. To clean your cutting board, spray on the surface. If it bubbles, leave it for about 5 minutes. Then, scrub the cutting board and rinse it clean.


Hydrogen peroxide is non-toxic, so it is an excellent cleaning solution for places that stores food like your refrigerator. To do so, spray hydrogen peroxide inside and outside the fridge. Let the solution sit for about five minutes. Then, wipe it clean with a clean rag.

Pots and pans

Do your pots and pans have stubborn baked-on cruds that just won’t go away? Hydrogen peroxide will help get rid of it while it cleans and disinfects your pots and pans. All you have to do is mix it with baking soda in a small dish to form a paste. Then, rub the mixture on the crud and let it sit for five to ten minutes. Then, use a scrubby sponge and warm water to scrub the crud and grime. The stains will lift off easily. Make sure to rinse the pots and pans well after.


You can use hydrogen peroxide to brighten or whiten your clothes. It is a gentler alternative to chlorine or bleach. It can also be an effective stain remover.

However, be cautious when using it on dark-colored clothes since hydrogen peroxide has a bleaching element that could leave spots or cause the color to fade. To avoid this problem, test it out first or just simply use hydrogen peroxide on your whites.

To remove stains, pour hydrogen peroxide directly on the stained area. To brighten clothes, just add one cup of hydrogen peroxide to the washing machine (works for whites only).


Mold is disgusting to look at. You can use hydrogen peroxide to get rid of them. Spray on the area and let it sit for about 30 minutes. Then, scrub the area clean and rinse it. Take note that hydrogen peroxide is not strong enough to clean mold stains – especially if it has been there for a while. You will need to do some deep cleaning to get rid of the stains.


The grout lines in between your tiles can go dark as time passes. You can turn them into white again with hydrogen peroxide. All you have to do is dip an old toothbrush in hydrogen peroxide and start scrubbing. Rinse the area when you are done.

Protect your plants

You can use hydrogen peroxide to protect your plants from fungus too! All you have to do is add a little hydrogen peroxide to the spray bottle the next time you spritz your plants with water. The recommended ratio is half a cup of hydrogen peroxide for every gallon of water.

Last thoughts

Cleaning with hydrogen peroxide is a natural, safe, and cost-effective way to sanitize and disinfect your entire household without having to deal with dangerous and toxic chemicals.

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